Conquering the “Error on Xcode: Static method ‘buildExpression’ requires that ‘NavigationLink‘ conform to ‘TableRowContent'” Nightmare!
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Conquering the “Error on Xcode: Static method ‘buildExpression’ requires that ‘NavigationLink‘ conform to ‘TableRowContent'” Nightmare!

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in the depths of Xcode despair, haunted by the ominous error message: “Static method ‘buildExpression’ requires that ‘NavigationLink‘ conform to ‘TableRowContent'”. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a quest to vanquish this beast and get your project back on track!

What’s behind the error?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing this error. In Swift, when you create a custom view using a generic type, like `NavigationLink`, Xcode expects that type to conform to the required protocol, in this case, `TableRowContent`. The `buildExpression` method, which is a part of the `DynamicViewContent` protocol, is trying to create an expression using the generic type, but it can’t because it doesn’t conform to `TableRowContent`.

Symptoms of the error

  • Error message: “Static method ‘buildExpression’ requires that ‘NavigationLink‘ conform to ‘TableRowContent'”
  • Xcode may highlight the offending line of code with a red error indicator
  • Unable to compile the project
  • Frustration and hair-pulling (optional, but likely)

The most straightforward solution is to make the `NavigationLink` type conform to the `TableRowContent` protocol. To do this:

struct NavigationLink<Content: View>: View {
    // ...

extension NavigationLink: TableRowContent {
    // implement required methods and properties here

In the above code, we’re making `NavigationLink` conform to `TableRowContent` by adding an extension. This tells Xcode that `NavigationLink` meets the requirements of `TableRowContent`, and the error should disappear.

If you can’t or don’t want to modify the `NavigationLink` type, you can create a custom view that wraps `NavigationLink` and conforms to `TableRowContent`. Here’s an example:

struct TableRowView<Content: View>: View, TableRowContent {
    let content: Content

    init(@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
        self.content = content()

    var body: some View {
        NavigationLink {

In this solution, we create a new `TableRowView` that takes a `content` parameter, which is a `View` that wraps the `NavigationLink`. We then make `TableRowView` conform to `TableRowContent` and implement the required methods and properties.

Solution 3: Use a different generic type

If you’re using a generic type that’s not meant to conform to `TableRowContent`, you can try using a different type that does conform. For example:

struct MyView: View {
    let vocabularyPackView: VocabularyPackView
    let vocabListView: VocabListView

    init(vocabularyPackView: VocabularyPackView, vocabListView: VocabListView) {
        self.vocabularyPackView = vocabularyPackView
        self.vocabListView = vocabListView

    var body: some View {
        TableRowView(content: {
            NavigationLink {
            } label: {

In this scenario, we’re using a custom `MyView` type that has two properties: `vocabularyPackView` and `vocabListView`. We then create a `TableRowView` that wraps the `NavigationLink` and passes the required `content` parameter.

Common pitfalls and variations

Before we conclude, let’s cover some common variations and potential pitfalls:

  • Nested generics**: If you have multiple levels of generics, make sure each type conforms to the required protocol.
  • Protocol extensions**: Be mindful of protocol extensions and ensure they don’t conflict with your custom implementations.
  • Type erasure**: If you’re using type erasure, double-check that the eraser type conforms to the required protocol.
  • Third-party libraries**: If you’re using a third-party library, check their documentation or source code to see if they’ve implemented the required protocol conformity.


There you have it, folks! With these solutions, you should be able to conquer the “Error on Xcode: Static method ‘buildExpression’ requires that ‘NavigationLink‘ conform to ‘TableRowContent'” error and get back to building your amazing app.

Remember to take a deep breath, stay calm, and methodically work through the solutions. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the developer community or seek help from a fellow coder.

Happy coding!

Solution Description
Make `NavigationLink` conform to `TableRowContent` Use an extension to make `NavigationLink` conform to `TableRowContent`
Wrap `NavigationLink` in a custom view Create a custom view that wraps `NavigationLink` and conforms to `TableRowContent`
Use a different generic type Use a different generic type that conforms to `TableRowContent`

Frequently Asked Question

Xcode can be a bit cranky sometimes, and errors can be frustrating. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about the “Error on Xcode: Static method ‘buildExpression’ requires that ‘NavigationLink‘ conform to ‘TableRowContent'” error.

What causes this error in Xcode?

This error occurs when the NavigationLink type doesn’t conform to the TableRowContent protocol. This protocol is required for the buildExpression method, which is a static method that needs its type parameters to conform to TableRowContent. In this case, NavigationLink doesn’t conform to TableRowContent, hence the error.

What is the purpose of the TableRowContent protocol?

The TableRowContent protocol is used to define the requirements for a type to be used as the content of a table row. This protocol is typically used in table-based views, such as List or Form, to define the content of each row.

How do I fix this error in Xcode?

To fix this error, you need to make sure that the NavigationLink type conforms to the TableRowContent protocol. You can do this by adding the TableRowContent protocol to the NavigationLink type declaration. For example: extension NavigationLink: TableRowContent { … }

Can I use a different type instead of NavigationLink?

Yes, you can use a different type that conforms to the TableRowContent protocol. For example, you could use a custom type that defines the content of the table row. Just make sure that the type you choose conforms to the TableRowContent protocol.

What if I’m still getting the error after making the changes?

If you’re still getting the error after making the changes, try cleaning and rebuilding your Xcode project. Sometimes, Xcode can get stuck and a clean rebuild can resolve the issue. If the problem persists, check your code for any other errors or warnings that might be related to this issue.

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