Unlocking the Power of HTTP Trailers in Quarkus: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Alka - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of HTTP Trailers in Quarkus: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you ready to take your Quarkus application to the next level by leveraging the power of HTTP trailers? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of HTTP trailers, exploring what they are, why they’re useful, and most importantly, how to access them in Quarkus.

What are HTTP Trailers?

HTTP trailers are a rarely discussed but incredibly powerful feature of the HTTP protocol. In essence, they allow a server to send additional metadata along with an HTTP response, providing valuable information to the client about the response itself.

Think of HTTP trailers as a way to piggyback extra data onto an HTTP response, without affecting the response body. This metadata can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Providing coroutine IDs for async processing
  • Including debug information for error tracking
  • Sending headers that are too large for the initial request

Why Access HTTP Trailers in Quarkus?

Quarkus, as a modern Java framework, provides out-of-the-box support for HTTP trailers. By accessing HTTP trailers in Quarkus, you can:

  • Enhance debugging and logging capabilities
  • Improve performance by reducing the amount of data sent in the initial response
  • Unlock new use cases for your application, such as async processing and caching

Accessing HTTP Trailers in Quarkus

Now that we’ve covered the what and why, let’s dive into the how. Accessing HTTP trailers in Quarkus is relatively straightforward, but requires a few key steps:

Step 1: Enable HTTP Trailers in Quarkus

To enable HTTP trailers in Quarkus, you need to add the following configuration to your `application.properties` file:


This will allow Quarkus to include HTTP trailers in the response.

Step 2: Create a Custom Trailer

To create a custom trailer, you’ll need to create a Java class that implements the `Trailer` interface:

import io.quarkus.http.trailers.Trailer;

public class MyTrailer implements Trailer {
    public String getName() {
        return "my-trailer";

    public String getValue() {
        return "Hello, World!";

This trailer will be included in the HTTP response, with the name `my-trailer` and the value `Hello, World!`.

Step 3: Add the Trailer to the Response

To add the trailer to the response, you can use the `io.quarkus.http.trailers.Trailers` class:

import io.quarkus.http.trailers.Trailers;

public Response getResponse() {
    Trailers trailers = new Trailers();
    trailers.add(new MyTrailer());
    return Response.ok("Hello, World!").trailers(trailers);

This will include the `my-trailer` in the HTTP response.

Step 4: Access the Trailer in the Client

To access the trailer in the client, you can use the `io.quarkus.http.trailers.Trailers` class again:

import io.quarkus.http.trailers.Trailers;

public void getClientResponse() {
    Response response = client.target("http://example.com").request().get();
    Trailers trailers = response.getTrailers();
    String myTrailerValue = trailers.get("my-trailer");
    System.out.println(myTrailerValue); // Output: Hello, World!

This will retrieve the value of the `my-trailer` from the HTTP response.

Best Practices for Using HTTP Trailers in Quarkus

Now that you know how to access HTTP trailers in Quarkus, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Keep trailers small: HTTP trailers are meant to be small, so keep them concise and avoid including large amounts of data.
  2. Use trailers for metadata only: HTTP trailers are meant for metadata, not for carrying large payloads. Keep your trailers focused on providing additional information about the response.
  3. Document your trailers: Make sure to document the trailers you’re using, so that other developers can understand their purpose and usage.
  4. Test your trailers: Thoroughly test your trailers to ensure they’re working as expected, and that they’re not causing any issues with your application.


HTTP trailers are a powerful feature of the HTTP protocol, and Quarkus makes it easy to access them. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of HTTP trailers in your Quarkus application.

Remember to keep your trailers small, focused on metadata, and well-documented. With these best practices in mind, you’ll be well on your way to harnessing the power of HTTP trailers in Quarkus.

HTTP Trailer Description
my-trailer A custom trailer with the value “Hello, World!”

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about accessing HTTP trailer in Quarkus!

What is an HTTP trailer and how is it different from HTTP headers?

An HTTP trailer is a sequence of key-value pairs sent at the end of an HTTP message, after the message body. Unlike HTTP headers, which are sent before the message body, trailers provide additional metadata about the message. While headers are used for request and response metadata, trailers are used to convey additional information about the request or response, such as checksums or digital signatures.

How do I access HTTP trailers in Quarkus?

In Quarkus, you can access HTTP trailers using the `@Trailer` annotation on a method parameter or a field in a JAX-RS resource or a CDI bean. For example, you can inject a trailer using `@Trailer(“My-Trailer”) String myTrailer;` and then access its value in your application logic.

Can I use HTTP trailers with Quarkus’ reactive REST API?

Yes, you can use HTTP trailers with Quarkus’ reactive REST API. Quarkus provides support for HTTP trailers in its reactive REST API, allowing you to access and manipulate trailers in your reactive applications. You can use the `@Trailer` annotation on a method parameter or a field in a reactive resource or a CDI bean to access the trailer values.

How do I send HTTP trailers in a Quarkus application?

To send HTTP trailers in a Quarkus application, you can use the `TrailerBuilder` API to create a trailer and add it to the response. You can then use the `ResponseBuilder` API to build a response with the trailer. For example, you can create a trailer using `TrailerBuilder.newBuilder().add(“My-Trailer”, “trailer-value”).build()` and then add it to the response using `Response.ok().trailer(trailer).build().

Are there any limitations or restrictions when using HTTP trailers in Quarkus?

Yes, there are some limitations and restrictions when using HTTP trailers in Quarkus. For example, HTTP trailers are only supported in HTTP/1.1 and later versions, and some HTTP clients or proxies may not support trailers. Additionally, Quarkus may have specific configuration or deployment requirements to enable trailer support. Be sure to check the Quarkus documentation and configuration options for specific details.

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